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1980 Eruption
Debris Avalanche
Lateral Blast
Scorch Zone
Ashfall Zone
Pyroclastic Flows
Thermal Springs
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Debris Avalanche
Prior to the eruption, majestic old-growth forests cloaked the valley north of the volcano.
A forest of 150 foot (45 m) fir and hemlock trees covered the valley before the eruption.
In the spring of 1980, rising magma formed a massive bulge on the north flank of Mount St. Helens.
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake triggered the largest landslide in recorded history.
It took only 10 minutes for the landslide to scour and bury 14-miles (22 km) of river to an average depth of 150 feet (45 m).
Erosion cut deep canyons and actively shifting floodplains.
Chunks of fragmented mountain top cover the deposit surface.
The debris avalanche created complex habitat and a unique natural laboratory [Four months after eruption]
The landslide swept away trees and other vegetation depositing them in a massive debris pile downstream.
Some plants survived when rare root fragments on the deposit surface sprouted.
The massive debris avalanche filled the valley north of the volcano creating numerous small ponds and wetlands.
Plants established quickly on moist pond shorelines.
Groundwater springs fed new wetland communities. [Five years after eruption]
Wetlands formed important oases for colonizing life on the largely barren deposit.
The landslide formed more than 130 new ponds. Stable wetlands were important sites for plant colonization.
The springs acted as oases of habitat in the barren valley [Nine years after eruption]
Wind blown seeds colonized ponds and depressions.
Plants also established between small hills formed by chunks of the collapsing volcano.
The debris avalanche created complex habitat that supports an amazing diversity of plant and animal life.
Hardy mosses and well adapted plants like prairie lupine colonized drier, upland areas.
Eventually slower growing conifer trees like this Douglas-fir will outlive and overtop the faster growing alder forest.
Red alder, a nitrogen-fixing, broadleaf tree took root around ponds and wetlands.
Trees and shrubs also established, forming the beginnings of a future forest.
Debris avalanche deposit. [1 year after eruption]
Note rapid erosion of deposit surface. [3 years after eruption]
Stream erosion widens floodplain. [4 years after eruption]
A fast growing red alder forest has established. [24 years after eruption]
The alder forest expands. [29 years after eruption]
Erosion and sediment transport was at record levels as the river cut new channels in the deposit.
Helicopters were used to spread grass seed and fertilizer for erosion control.
Commercially available grass seed was spread over thousands of acres outside the monument.
Uneven distribution of seed and fertilizer is visible in the photo.
On flat areas and gentle slopes the seeding produced dense stands of grass.
A wildlife area downstream of the monument was heavily seeded.
Planted grass and clover provide winter range for elk
Dense stands of planted grass inhibit tree establishment and browsing elk clip trees.
Trees like this noble fir are continually clipped back.
Planted areas contrast greatly with unseeded areas upstream.
Plant diversity is much higher in unseeded areas.
Eventually trees grow above the reach of browsing elk and their height growth accelerates.
The planting of non-native grass and clover has greatly influencing plant succession around the volcano.
Emergency seeding for erosion control has forever alterred natural plant communities around the volcano.
Transport of sediment downstream was a mjor concern.
Aerial view of North Toutle River, two years after eruption.
Plants gradually spread to adjacent upland areas.
Slower growing fir, hemlock and pine trees are also taking root.
Fast growing alders are gradually spreading across the valley.
Patches of developing alder forest are transforming the valley.
Forest plants and animals are moving into the alder forests.
River floodplains remain largely unvegetated due to constant disturbance.
North Fork Toutle flood plain [30 years after the eruption]
Today, a diverse mosaic of developing forest and meadow covers the valley
Red alder trees were important early colonizers.