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1980 Eruption
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1980 Eruption
Debris Avalanche
Lateral Blast
Scorch Zone
Ashfall Zone
Pyroclastic Flows
Thermal Springs
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Prior to 1980, Mount St. Helens’ south flank featured a narrow glacier and stunted forests growing on ancient lahar deposits.
The eruption melted the Shoestring Glacier and the resulting cement-like slurry stripped off the forest.
Melting ice and snow mixed with rock and ash producing debris-laden floods called lahars (mudflows).
Flood waters from melting ice and snow produced lahars that flowed miles from the volcano.
The boulder-filled mudlfows scoured stream channels uprooting and depositing trees downstream.
Lahars scoured and buried miles of river channel. Note flow marks on trees and geologist for scale. (circle person for scale)
Trees were swept away and washed downstream.
Homes close to the river were washed away or partially buried by ash and rock.
Aerial view of bridge washed out by Toutle River lahar.
Bridge buried in Toutle River lahar deposit.
The dense high-energy slurry floated and transported huge boulders.
The cement-like slurries carried tremendous energy transporting even large boulders downstream.
Lahar depth is shown by the high flow marks on the trees. Note helicopter and geologists for scale.
Sprouting of fragmented roots was an important early mechanism of survival.
Erosion of upstream deposits transported additional sediment and debris downstream.
Damage was limited to the valleys in which the lahars were channeled downstream.
The lahar stripped away the forest [1 year after eruption]
The valley was covered with ash and boulders. Note pickup truck [2 years after eruption]
Seeds from adjacent forests planted the deposit [19 years after eruption]
A young forest covers much of the valley [29 years after eruption]
Tree establishment has been rapid due to countless seeds blown in from the adjacent undisturbed forest.
Larger river channels shifted back and forth across the deposit.
Woody debris provided an importance source of stability and shade for early plant establishment.
Floodplains were repeatedly scoured and buried and were slow to revegetate.
Small tributary streams were a key place for early establishment.
Willow and alder seedlings established in moist sediments.
Red alder seedlings took root on stable terraces and debris piles. [two years after eruption]
Entire terraces and alder stands were uprooted and washed away by a massive flood 16 years after the eruption.
Lahars are an ongoing hazard. This small lahar was triggered by a small crater explosion in 1983.
Mycorrhizae Studies
View of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi on lupine roots.
Studies revealed that plants without the benefit of mycorrhizae faired poorly. [3 years after the eruption]
Scattered tree seedlings developed mycorrhizal associations from wind-dispersed spores. [5 years after eruption]
Scientists wanted to determine how colonizing plants aquire important fungal and bacterial associations.